Carnaby Ridgeway 2008
Cumbria, North Lakes Country Park
To enquire about this Carnaby Ridgeway 01228 830737 (daytime)
SALE REDUCED FROM £29,995 TO £19995 SAVE A MASSIVE £10,000.
This pre-owned Carnaby Ridgeway is in lovely condition and has been very well looked after. This is on one of the new plots on park, these plots are amazing lots of space, parking and great views, this caravan is ready to use just bring your personal possessions and start enjoying it straight away.
Cumbria, North Lakes Country Park
Tel: 01228 830737 (daytime)
Important Notice: This advertisement is for a holiday caravan, which may only be used for holiday and recreational use. It is against the law to live in a holiday caravan on a licensed holiday park in the UK. For more information, please read our FAQs here.